Solidarity March in Zürich, Switzerland on behalf of Mr Yonten from Ngaba Amdo Tibet, who self immolated himself.

Zürich, 30th November 2019: Tibetan Community of Switzerland &Liechtenstein organized a solidarity march and Peace Demonstration on behalf of Mr.Ngawang Yonten, aged 24, from Ngaba Amdo Tibet, who set himself ablaze in the center of town nearby Meruma at around 4 pm local time on 26th November 2019. He is identified as son of Sodhon( father ) and Tsekho Kyi ( mother).

This solidarity March is also for six Tibetan Monks and two youth arrested for Pro-independence Leaflets in Dza Wonpo town in Sershul County, Karze in Tibet. On 21st November 2019 they raised slogans calling for Tibet’s independence, human rights and freedom in Tibet in front of the Government office in Dza Wonpo Town. Two short videos with a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a background song in praise of His Holiness, as well as pictures of themselves and their hand -made leaflets in red ink were also posted before their arrest.

The Peace march was participated by representatives of Swiss-Tibetan friendship association, Tibetan Woman association of Switzerland, Europe Tibetan youth Association. More than 200 Tibetans with determination and enthusiasm, carrying national flags, shouting Slogans calling for” Human rights in Tibet “and “Release of all political prisoners” among other slogans highlighted the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet.

Since 2009, more than 155 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in protest against occupation of Tibet. Most of them died as a result of self-immolation and their relatives are also subject to reprisals from the Chinese authorities.

The Human rights situation in Tibet is still no better than yesterday as the Tibetans continue to face severe restriction in their religious freedom, speech, movement and assembly. Anyone exercising their human rights and steeping up against the persecution is met with arbitrary detention, imprisonment, and enforced disappearance. China also introduced the policy of patriotic education in the monasteries in their bid to replace monastic education with their political propaganda. Monks and nuns were forced to learn and emphasize on Communist propaganda. People were encouraged to denounce the sympathy for His Holiness the Dalai Lama forcing their loyalty towards the Communist Party. Tibetans in Tibet is suffering in every walk of life and forced to take such steps.

While addressing the demonstration, Mr Tsamdha Norbu, president of Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein, briefed an overview of present situation in Tibet. Other speakers at the event were:
President and representatives of Swiss Tibetan friendship Association, Tibetan woman Association, Europe Tibetan Youth association.

The appeal letter to the Chinese Embassy was forced to send by post, as the Police have restricted the Tibetans to submit the appeal letter.

The Event was concluded at about 6.30 pm with a conclusion Speech by Mr. Chokchampa Phuntsok, Vice President of Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein.

Nyima Arya

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