78th birthday celebration of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

At 14.15 clock, the celebrations began with the opening ceremony. Following this, the welcome address was followed by the President of TCSL, Mr Lobsang Gangshontsang.
Then came the first part of the song and dance performances by various Tibetan schools.
After this entertainment section, a number of speeches were made. Mr. Mario Fehr,
Zurich Cantonal Government, the abbot of the Tibet Institute Rikon, Ew. Geshe Thupten Legmen and Mr. Tseten Samdhup Chhoekyapa, Representative of HH the Dalai Lama spoke to the
assembled crowd.
Following these speeches, followed by the second part of the entertainment. Various associations
and sections have presented traditional and modern performances.
Before dinner was followed by several more Acknowledgements, and a dance performance. After
dinner followed by a presentation of the folklore ensemble of TCSL. After the prize-giving ceremony and trophy presentation of VTJE Trungkar football tournament and the raffle drawing the event ended towards 24.00 o’clock with a cozy get-together and the traditional Gorsche.
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