76th Birthday of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, Stadthalle Bülach

About 1'300 attendee, Guests, Tibetans and friend of Tibet joined the occasion in Stadthalle Bülach.

The opening ceremonie, carrying the photo of His Holiness and singing the national anthem accompanist by the Tibetan Folklore Ensemble of TCSL. After the Longlife Prayers there were shared tea and dreseyl for all attendee.

After the welcome speech by the President of TCSL Mrs Pasang Memmishofer, several dance and song performances followed. After the first part different speeches were held, so as from the two new elected Chitues from Europe.

As the second part of dance and song performances were finished, Mrs Doris Fiala, Nationalrätin Kanton Zürich and Mr Mario Fehr, former President of the parlamentary support group for Tibet and Regierungsrat, held a congratulatory address. The TCSL and GSTF handover a Thank you Katak for both of the speakers for their support.

The two Chisurs, Mr Sonam Monkhar and Mr Sonam Frasi, received also a Katak and Gift for their commitment for the cause of Tibet.


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