Christmas gathering of the Tibetan Community Glarus, December 25th & 26th, 2010

As every year, the Tibetan Community Glarus organised also this year on December 25th & December
26 a gathering in the "Mehrzweckhalle"  Rüti (GL). Members of the Glarus section and also Tibetans from
 other sections have attended the gathering. In the official part, the results of the Tibetan School exam
were announced. All children who attended the exam, received a little present. After that, Yonten Gope, responsible person of the Tibetan Schools in the Tibetan Community Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Tseten Chhoekyapa, Representative of His Holiness in Switzerland and Sonam Monkar, Parliamentarian of the Tibetan Exile Governments held a speech.

The evening program was filled with dances of the Tibetan school children, one dance performed by the Tibetan Women's Association, section Yumtso and songs performed by various members of the Tibetan Community. The Yak dance was one of the highlights of the evening. The first evening concluded with a Bingo game and Gorsche dances. On the second day, the Tibetan Youth Congress, section Rangwang organised games for the adults. 5 women played against 5 men, at the end the men won with a good result. Also a short film was presented with the title "passiveness". It showed the difficulty in our society of the missing attendance at Tibetan demonstration in Switzerland. 19 people joined the legendary scho tournament. The happy winner at the end was Sangpo Changten. Also the children were entertained with games. Overall it was a successful event which had something for all ages. Photos..

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