First Summer Camp for Tibetan Language and Culture Student in Switzerland

Aargau: On Saturday.27th July 2019, Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein organized first ever Summer Camp for the Tibetan Student from all the section of Weekend Tibetan Language School in Switzerland at Aargau. The summer camp started on 27th July at about 2 pm and will last till 31st July 2019.
As per Mr. Tsewagtsang Gyamtso, Director of Tibetan Language School, the event was attended by 43 Students from 9 different weekends Tibetan Language School in Switzerland and two Tibetan children from Austria. He also stated that teachers, especially Mr.Buchung from Luzern have prepared special educational activities for the children. He hopes that this first summer Camp will be a success one, as from teacher to the Cook, everyone present there have sincere attitude to make the children eat, talk and feel Tibetan on these five days.
On the first day, students are divided into four groups and four traditional Tents are organized. These four groups are named after four elements: Sa,Chu, Me, Lung (Earth, Water,Fire and Air) Introductory rounds were taken place in which, each Participants are given an opportunity to introduce her/himself. The main aim is not only to improve the Tibetan Language, culture and tradition but also to encourage communication skills among the children in native Tibetan language and build friendly relation amongst themselves.
The second day started with a morning prayer and educational activities organized by the teachers. Mr. Chhimey Rigzen accompanied by Mr Sonam Tharchin , Tibetan Bureau in Geneva and Mr. Tsamda Norbu, President of Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein visited the summer Camp site.
Mr. Norbu greeted the Children and wished them to have fun at learning and to speak Tibetan as much as possible with each other on these five days. He thanked by offering Khatak to four-member core organizing Team; Mr. Tsewagtsang Gyamtso,director of Tibetan Weekend School, Mr. Tsewang T. Munsel, Head of Tibetan Weekend School, Aargau section, Ms.Tsering Norzom Berndt-Nesar from section Zürich and Mr. Gewa Sangpo form Basel Tibetan Community, teachers , participants and Mr. Chhimey Rigzen/ Mr. Sonam Tharchin, representative of Tibet Bureau in Geneva for taking time from their busy schedule to visit the summer Camp.
Mr. Chimey Rigzen tried to communicate directly to the children by asking some simple questions about Tibet and its situation. He asserted that, only by wearing Tibetan dress doesn`t make you Tibetan, you have to be Tibetan deep from inside. He highlighted the current situation in Tibet by stating: As Tibet is under Chinese rule; Tibetans in Tibet have no rights to maintain their culture and language in their own country. He reminded them since they belong to the younger generation of Tibet; they have the greater responsibility of preserving the Tibetan Language. Mr. Chimmey Rigzen also appreciated the Director and responsible Persons of various Sections of Weekend Tibetan Language School under the president Mr. Tsamda Norbu for organizing various activities for the younger generations to preserve Tibetan language and culture in Switzerland and he also promised to support, in future if needed, on behalf of Central Tibetan administration, Dharamsala.
During these five days summer camp, children are engaged in various activities, including learning daily prayer recitation, Tibetan history, culture, language and of course his holiness the Dalai Lama`s teaching of inner values , peace and compassion.
Comments (1)
Comment by tenzin thoesam |
I had a lot of fun I appreciate that. Can I come next year 2?????