His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets with President Barack Obama

WASHINGTON, DC. FEBRUARY 21, 2014: His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with President Obama this morning at the White House. This was the third meeting between the Tibetan spiritual leader and the sitting American President. The earlier two meetings, also in the White House, took place on February 18th 2010 and July 16th 2011.

In an almost hour-long meeting, His Holiness shared his core commitment related to promotion of human values, fostering interfaith dialogue and preservation of Tibetan people’s unique culture and rich tradition. The two leaders also discussed issues related to morality and leadership, and how one can produce new generation of ethical leaders in the 21st century.

President Obama said that he was honored to meet His Holiness again. He reiterated his support for the preservation of the unique religious, cultural, and linguistic traditions of Tibet. The President extended support for His Holiness’ Middle Way Approach policy and reiterated that Chinese government should have constructive dialogue with His Holiness’ representatives without any precondition. President Obama asked His Holiness the Dalai Lama about Tibet and His Holiness explained the current situation. President Obama expressed his deep concern about the worsening human rights situation in Tibet and Tibetan areas in China.

Honorable Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay welcomed the meeting between His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and President Obama. “I welcome President Obama’s strong endorsement of the Middle Way Approach policy and constructive dialogue without any precondition. This meeting sends a powerful message of hope to Tibetans in Tibet who are undergoing immense suffering. The meeting reflects the American government and people’s continued commitment to freedom and democracy,” said the Sikyong.

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