53rd anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising in Tibet

Around 2500 Tibetans and supporters of Tibet from Switzerland and Liechtenstein gathered in the Swiss city of Bern to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of Tibetan uprising day. Starting from Helvetia Platz in Bern at 1.30 p.m, bannered up, the rally marched upto and gathered at Bundes Platz, the seat of the Swiss federal government. Shouting slogans of freedom and human rights, the marchers distributed information pamphlets to bystanders detailing the crisis in Tibet. 16 coffins, symbolizing the martyrs of recent self immolation in Tibet were paraded with the march in their honor and memory. Led by the Folklore Committee of the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Leichtenstein, the gathered sang the National anthem followed by a minute's silence in honor of the deceased martyrs. Representing Tibet Bureau, Geneva, Dawa Gyaltsen, gave an oral delivery of the kashag speech for the occasion. Representatives from the Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Woman's Association and Tibet_Swiss Friendship Society addressed the crowd. A group of 8 members, comprising of Khen Rinpoche from the Rikon monastery, Vice President of the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Leichtenstein, President of the Tibetan Woman's Association Swiss, President of the regional chapter of the Tibetan Youth Congress and President of the Tibet Swiss Friendship Association handed over a petition letter the Chinese Embassy. Various artists, comprising of Loten Namling la, Ngawang Lupontsang la and others lended their voice of support for the day. Miss Tibet 2011, Tenzin Yankyi made an appearance addressing the crowd on Human rights from her personal experience. The rally concluded with a Dentsik Monlam prayer led by monks from the Rikon Monastery. Photos...
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