5th action of the Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein for a two-year campaign

Continuing the 2 year project of appealing the U.N of sending a fact finding mission to Tibet, the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein organized its fifth chapter of the project on the 12th of september 2011. Around 30 members of a joined gathering from section Luzern and St. Gallen participated under the slogan of “China Stop Cultural Genocide in Tibet“ in front of the United Nations Office. Under the banner of Tibetan National flag and lungtas, donning traditional costumes from the three provinces of Tibet, the gathered sang the national anthem and recited prayers. A signature campaign in support of the cause was undertaken  educating and explaining the passers-by on the issue of cultural genocide in TIbet. A “photo shoot in Tibetan costume“ project was also organized to encourage the participation and education of the tourists and locals on the issue. The passers-by were also educated through distribution of pamphlets and oral communications on the critical conditions of the cultural plight in Tibet amounting to a state of deliberate state sponsored cultural genocide, where in raising questions on basic rights of indigenous literature, culture and tradition would amount to  stateTreason and labeled splittists.   Tenzin Samphel la from the Tibet Bureau in Geneva, who was attending the opening day of the18th summit of U.N on human rights joined the gathering and informed them on the current state of things in Tibet. The gathering shouted slogans of Cultural genocide in Tibet urging China to put an immediate stop to it. Photos..

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