7 Tibetans Self-Immolate in Last 7 days, Toll reaches 62

With the confirmation of twin self-immolations in Driru county in Nagchu Prefecture in the Tibet Autonomous Region earlier reported by Central Tibetan Administration, a total of 7 Tibetans have self-immolated within the last 7 days.

Tsepo, 20, and Tenzin, 25, set themselves on fire near a school in Nagro Phampa village in Driru county on Thursday (25 October). They raised slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, independence, and unity among the Tibetan people.  

Tsepo died on the spot, while the whereabouts and well-being of Tenzin remain unknown.
Local Tibetans in Driru county say the Chinese government has poured in a large number of security forces across the region during the widespread peaceful protests in 2008.  The security clampdown was further intensified following the first self-immolation incident took place there last month.

The Central Tibetan Administration is gravely concerned by the worsening situation in Tibet. Despite repeated appeals by the Central Tibetan Administration to refrain from drastic actions, over 62 Tibetans have now set themselves on fire in protest against the Chinese government’s repressive policies. All of them have called for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans.

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