Speech of Katri Samdhong Rinpoche and Europe Chitue Debate - Sunday, 20.02.2011 in Wädenswil

The event started at 10.45 AM with a speech of Katri Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche. He held a short speech, telling the different reasons of his visit in Switzerland. He clearly mentioned that he would like to give time as much as possible for questions from the audience.

There were about 450 interested attendees at this occasion. A lot of interesting questions asked by the audience. Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche answered them as usual with profound knowledge and clearness. After the Q & A the President of the Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Mrs. Pasang Memmishofer, read a acceptance speech for Kalon Tripa Samdhong Rinpoche, for his dedication for the cause of Tibet. The audience gave a standing ovation.

After the lunchbreak, organized by section Wädenswil, the second part of the event started: the Europe Chitue debate. After a short introduction by each candidate, three questions prepared by TCSL were asked to the Chitue candidates. After that numerous questions followed by the audience. They had also the opportunity to give suggestions, advices and wishes. At 18.00 o'clock the interesting and successfull event organized by TCSL was finished.


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