Oslo Report - Nobelpeaceprize Dec.10th 2010

On the occasion of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony on December 10th 2010, the Tibetan Community Switzerland and Liechtenstein (TCSL) sent a delegation of two members, represented by Mr. Lobsang Shitsetsang, Vice President and Mrs Nima Changten, committee member, to Oslo, Norway, to express their solidarity and support to Mr. Liu Xiaobo for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.
On behalf of the 4’000 Tibetans living in Switzerland and Liechtenstein the TCSL sent in advance a letter to Mr. Liu Xiaobo and expressed their heartfelt congratulations for being awarded this year’s Nobel peace prize.
Further the TCSL also sent a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Institute and expressed their deep respect and gratitude to the Nobel Committee for awarding this prestigious prize to Mr. Liu Xiaobo for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.
The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony was held on December 10th 2010 at 1.00 p.m. in the Oslo City Hall. However Mr. Liu Xiaobo was unfortunately not able to receive the prize as he is in isolation in a prison in north-east China. Even his wife Liu Xia and his closest relatives were not able to attend the ceremony. Therefore the ceremony took place with an empty chair.
46 countries were represented by their respective embassies at the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. 2 countries (Algeria and Sri Lanka ) have not replied, and 15 other countries (China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Saudi-Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq , Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Egypt, Sudan, Cuba and Morocco) have for various reasons declined the invitation of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Mrs. Chungdak Koren represented the Norwegian Tibet Committee at the official ceremony in the City Hall, the Nobel banquet at the Grand Hotel on 10th December and the Nobel Peace Prize concert in honor of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
Mr. Lobsang Shitsetsang and Mrs Nima Changten took part at the alternative program in Oslo on 10th Dec. 2010 such as the Breakfast Seminar organised by PEN International and Amnesty International (AI) from 9 a.m. till 11 a.m.. The speakers during the seminar were Mr. Salil Shetty (international Secretary General of AI), Ms. Martin-Liao Tienchi (President of Independent Chinese PEN Centre), Mr. Yu Zhang (Executive Secretary of Independent Chinese PEN Centre), Mr. John Ralston Saul (President of PEN International) Mr. Lee Cheuk Yan (Secretary General of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions), Mr. Yang Jianli (Harvard Fellow and President, Initiatives for China) and Mr. Wan Yanhai (HIV / AIDS activist). The seminar which was chaired by Mr. John Peder Egenaes (Secretary General of AI Norway) discussed on various issues like Liu Xiaobo and Charter 08, Freedom of speech and Economic growth versus respect for Human Rights in China.
In the evening of the 10th December, the Foundation Free speech and Helsingfors Committee held a reception to mark the International Human Rights Day. Mr. Lobsang Shitsetsang and Mrs Nima Changten and the Tibetan Community Norway were invited to attend the reception. Bilder...

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