Over 300 Tibetans were assembled to participate in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Tibetan Newsletter of Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

On sunday, November 24th, in the town hall of Wädenswil, over 300 Tibetans were assembled to participate in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Tibetan Newsletter of Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein (TCSL). The absolute highlight of this event included the visit of former Kalon Tripa Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, who gave two lectures on:
1. Importance of the Tibetan language and its preservation.
2. Tibetan historical period from 1900 to 1959.

The Occasion was started with welcome speech by Mr. Yonten Gope la (Chief Editor) followed by various speeches including Tseten Samdup Chhoekyapa from Tibet Bureau Geneva, Mr. Gangshontsang Lobsang the President TCSL. 

After that, advisor of Newsletter of TCSL, Tsering Dorjee la gave a brief introduction on the existence of Tibetan Newsletter for 20 years. As mentioned above, first lecture by Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche was on Tibetan language and his key message was clear that the responsibility of the Tibetan Language lies primarily on the parents of the Children directly. 

During the lunch break, delicious momos with salad were served, two typical traditional Tibetan song and Dranyen dance performances were presented by folklore group of TCSL.
The second part of the lecture by Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche was on history of Tibet from 1900 to 1959. Everyone listened with great enthusiasm to the words of Rinpoche. Later on, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions to Rinpoche on above topics. This opportunity was used by many interested people in the hall.

Last but not least, Mr. Rinzin Dorjee la, the advisor of Newsletter of TCSL gave a word of thanks to our Honorable Chief guest former Kalon Tripa Professor Samdhong Rinpoche and other guests of the event.

From the perspective of the organizers, it was a very successful event. The Newsletter team thanked all the volunteers and helpers.


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