Sikyong Penpa Tsering`s Arrival in Geneva is met with warm welcome Reception by Tibetans in Switzerland.

Geneva: 31.10.2021: In the afternoon of 31st October, Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) arrived in Geneva, Switzerland, after successfully concluding official visits in Italy. Sikyong was accompanied by the Secretary of the Department of Information and International Relations, Karma Choeying, and Representative Chhimey Rigzin of Tibet Bureau, Geneva.

The president and vice president of the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, along with its members, representatives of local Tibetan associations, and the local Tibetan residents welcomed their arrival.

During his stay in Switzerland, Sikyong will be attending a two-day; (1st &2nd November) “Geneva Forum-2021: Forum on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Violation by China” organized collaboratively by the CTA’s Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR), and the Office of Tibet Geneva. Apart from the Geneva Forum, Sikyong of CTA will also meet officials of the UNHCR Geneva, the parliamentarians of Switzerland, and the supporters of Tibet. Moreover, he will address the gatherings on the Tibet issue and consecutively attend the press conferences.

During the official visits, Sikyong will also engage with the Tibetan residents of Switzerland. He will also inaugurate V-TAG (Voluntary Tibetan Advocacy Group) on 6th November in Zurich.

Apart from the Geneva visit, Sikyong is also scheduled to visit Bern and Zurich from 3rd to 6th November 2021.


Nyima Arya

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