Single action in front of the United Nation by Dawa Sara, Tibetan Community Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Section Glarus

On April 11th, Dawa Sara from Oberurnen (Kanton Glarus) travelled for the second time on April 11th, 2011 to Geneva to continue his campaign, which he started a month ago in front of the United Nations in Geneva. Starting March 10th, 2011 onwards, Dawa Sara will do prostration once a month for a year long period at the Place de Nation, in front of the United Nations in Geneva to urge People’s Republic of China through you the following demands:
• Allow His Holiness to visit on a pilgrimage to the Wutaishang (holy mountain in China)
• Release the Panchen Lama, Tibet’s second most important leader, who is under house arrest since from the age of six.
• Stop the pollution and start taking care of the environment in Tibet. Stop the exploitation of our natural resources.
• Release of all political prisoners who are in prison without the due process of fair trial.
Dawa Sara strongly believes that all Tibetans in Exile have a duty to stand up for the Tibetan cause. He started to prepare and plan his campaign a while ago. “It doesn’t matter how big or how small the activities are, they always help not to forget Tibet”, thinks Dawa Sara. The Solidarity within the Tibetan Community Switzerland and Liechtenstein is big. On April 10th, 2011
not only members form the Glarus section, but also Tibetans from other sections travelled to Geneva to support his campaign. Unfortunately, the Police stopped the rally as the authorisation to do this demonstration in front of the United Nations was issued only for one person. All Tibetans and Tibetan friends are most welcome to support his campaign by signing the petition.
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