Solidarity and prayers for our fellow Tibetans in Tibet

The situation in Tibet is alarming and the number of violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese police forces rising. Since March 2011, 16 Tibetans have committed self-immolation. The Chinese shoot and beat up our Tibetan brothers and sisters. Many have died. Injured Tibetans restrain from seeking medical treatment since they fear getting detained. The situation is deteriorating and absolutely unacceptable.

On Sunday, 29 January 2012 (9.30 - 11.30 am), the TCSL sections Rikon and Oetwil am See organised a prayer session at the Tibet Institute in Rikon. The monks of the Tibet Institute, guests of honour and approximately 200 people attended the event. The prayer session was organised in order to show solidarity with our fellow Tibetans, to pray for them and to mourn for the ones who have succumbed to their injuries. Photos..

Thank you and Boed Gyalo!

Dhakyel Thubten G., Rikon thuemi
Dhakyel Lhakpa T., Rikon thuemi
Gangshontsang Namgyal, Oetwil am See thuemi

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