TCSL organized a religious ceremony on His Holiness Birthday at Rikon

On July 6th, Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein (TCSL) organized a religious ceremony on the occasion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 80th Birthday at Rikon Tibet Institute.

The ceremony began at 9.30am, a portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was brought inside the main chamber and placed on the throne, from which His Holiness gave teachings and prayers few times in the past. With a chant of Buddhist rituals and offerings, the gathered mass, prayed for His Holiness' long life and his soon return to his people in Tibet. In parallel to the traditional rituals, a birthday cake was sliced and served with tea to the gathered people.

After that, people perform Sangsol ritual, also known as incense offering, to bring good luck and the fulfillment of wishes. At that moment, people observed a moment of silence to show respect for people who have died for Tibet's cause. The President of TCSL Mr. Tenzin Nyinbu gave a welcome speech to the crowd. Also Mr. Ngodup Dorjee (Representative of H. H. the Dalai Lama from Tibet office in Geneva) has recited the letter from the Kashag published for the occasion and a statement from Tibetan Parliament in Daramsala.

Guests to the ceremony are Abbot of Rikon Tibetan Institute and monks, Mr. Ngodup Dorjee, Mr. Kelsang Gyaltsen - Special Representative of H. H. the Dalai Lama in Europe, Mr. Sonam Norbu Dagpo, Secretary of International Relations of Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) from Dharmsala, Presidents from various NGOs and The President and vice President of TCSL.

Later people enjoyed and took part in dance performances by the Tibetan Folklore Ensemble of TCSL and by Toepa welfare association. The celebration was completed successfully with a splendid luncheon and a thanksgiving speech from Mr. Doktsa Tsang Woeser.


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