Tibetans gather in Rikon on 2nd June 2015 to celebrate Saka Dawa

The fifteenth lunar day of Saka Dawa (the holiest day of Buddhism) saw arround 200 people gather for a religious ceremony organized by the Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein (TCSL) at Rikon Tibet Institute.
According to Buddhist history, Saka Dawa (the fourth month in Tibetan Buddhist calendar) is the celebrated month in which Gautama Buddha’s conception, birth, enlightenment, and Parinirvana (passing away) took place. In particular, the fifteenth day of the month is held extremely precious as the day of the Buddha’s conception, enlightenment and parting into Nirvana. For Buddhists worldwide, it is considered auspicious to perform meritorious activities on this specific day. Thus many Buddhists partake in prayers, offerings, special acts of generosity and the common practice to mark the special day by abstaining from non-vegeterian food on this day.
The ceremony at Rikon was lead by Ven. Thupten Legmon, the abbot of Rikon Tibet Institute. The abbot also expounded on the historical and religious significance of Saka Dawa to the assembly. Those gathered to celebrate the holiest of Buddhist days, held a special prayer for the victims of the recent spate of earthquakes in Nepal and Tibet and for those Tibetans (140 plus) who have lost their lives in the act of self immolation.
Notable attendees among the masses included lamas, monks, ex-Tibetan Parliamentarians and the Vice-president of the TCSL. The Vice -president also delivered a speech to the gathering. The celebrations came to a close with a sumptuous vegetarian luncheon offered by the family of Khatakpa Tashi Sonam.
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