Tibetans in Swiss urged UN Secretary General to press China for dialogue

Geneva: Coinciding with United Nations Human Rights Council 26th session, hundreds of Tibetan people including Tibet Supporters took out a rally in front of United Nation building today urging the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon intervention to resume the dialogue between Tibetan representatives and China today. Simultaneously, a group of 17 Tibetan people has been making prostration in front of United Nation Human Right Commissioner Office and Palais des Nation (UNHRC Building) alternatively under the blazing summer sun for the last four days to draw UN member’s attention to the Tibetan cause.

Tibetan Community of Swiss and Liechtenstein (TCSL) has organized this rally as a part of year long campaign to urge UN Secretary General and member states to press China for the resumption of dialogue to resolve the Tibet issue.

Mr René Longet, a long time supporter of the Tibetan cause, expressed his personal sympathy and solidarity with the Tibetan people in his address. Tibetan Community of Swiss and Liechtenstein President Gangshontsang Lobsang in his speech asked all UN member states and UN Secretary General to press China for the resumption of dialogue between Tibetan Representatives and Chinese counterpart and invite UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Tibet at the earliest. Tibet Bureau staff Dawa Gyatso also addressed the rally.

Tibetan representatives and Chinese counterpart met last time in January 2010.

The rally was ended with thank you Khatak to those 17 Tibetan who took part in prostration from Mr. President Gangshontsang Lobsang and also from representative of Tibetan Women's Organization of Switzerland.


Picture from the event

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