Tibetans march in solidarity with the self immolators in Zurich.

Hundreds of Tibetans gathered here in the Swiss city of Zurich at werdmuehlestrasse earlier yesterday responding to a special call from the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Leichtenstein. After a welcoming and introductory note from the Vice President, Mr.Sampa Dhondup, the President of the TCSL, Mr. Gangshongtsang Lobsang explained the call for todays protest as a mark of protest against the continuing repressive and heavy handed policies in Tibet by the Chinese authorities in respond to the various recent self immolations in Tibet. Swiss Green Party representative, also addressed the crowd and said he supports the rally in solidarity with all those who have immolated themselves for the cause of Tibet. Armed with candles and National flags, the gathered marched towards the Chinese consulate. At the consulate the gathered led a peaceful protest along with prayers under the lead of khen rinpoche and monks from the Rikon Monastery. The president, TCSL, Mr. Lobsang read the petition letter to the crowd.The protest concluded with the proud rendition of the Tibetan National Anthem led by the cultural troupe TCSL. Photos..
Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
H.E. Navanethem Pillay
Mr. Wu Ken
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